About This Template

As you have looked at some of the pages on this example template, perhaps you have noticed just how quickly the pages load, even with large images, galleries or video. That is no accident. The whole design has been created using best practices with html css accesibility and structure. And you need a good base to begin with, it's much easier to have quick loading pages with good foundations.

But of course speed isn't everything, we still want a design that looks good and gives an enjoyable user experience. After all, anyone could create a fast website by using little more than plain text on a page. It would load quickly, but the user experiece wouldn't be great.

Designed For Websites Where Images Are Important

Think of the niches where good quality and LARGE images are an integral part of the experience. Food, travel, fashion, photography. Those are all subjects where a feature image like the one below can make an impact on the viewer.

landscape of lake, mountains and clouds
Images can stretch wider than the main text. Up to 1000px wide.

But an impressive looking page on a laptop isn't enough. The site has to look not just OK on a mobile phone, but GREAT... and be fast loading on the slower data plans that these phones might be using. If you are viewing this page on a laptop, I encourage you to send the page URL to your phone so you can see just how fast it loads.

Some Of The Template Specs

This article was printed from Template 2020.com

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